The Multi Agency Academic Cooperative (MAAC) Foundation first responder training campus has received a $1 million gift from the Dean and Barbara White Family Foundation in matching funds for the construction of a Residential Tactical Training Village. This state-of-the-art training village will consist of a single-story house, a two-story house, a mobile home, and multiple garage, deck, and patio configurations to mirror a neighborhood setting. These features will provide a real-life training environment for fire/EMS scenario-based situations and street approaches by law enforcement personnel in a walkable community.
“We are pleased to partner with the MAAC and the McMillan Family on this one-of-a kind facility in Northwest Indiana. Realistic training scenarios and cross training between first responders is key to improving public safety. The result of the teamwork that will occur in this new training village will save lives.” William Hanna, Executive Director, Dean and Barbara White Family Foundation stated.
The dollar-for-dollar matching funds from the Dean and Barbara White Family Foundation grant was generously matched by a $1 million donation from Stewart and Kathryn McMillan. “We have made HUGE strides at MAAC over the past five years in providing training facilities for our dedicated first responders. I could not be more proud than to have the White Foundation join us in such a significant way. This donation will take us to the next level!” Founder and Fire Chief Stewart G. McMillan stated.
The Residential Tactical Training Village is the 4th development of the MAAC’s 22-acre campus located in Valparaiso, Indiana. Additional fundraising efforts are currently underway including an active request for support from our county and city partners. To join us in support of first responders, please visit
The MAAC’s mission is to facilitate training and skill enhancement on a comprehensive campus that is safe and inclusive to all first responders and the community.