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NFIB Presents Small Business Guardian Award to Rep. Stephen Bartles


The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), Indiana’s leading small business advocacy organization, presented Rep. Stephen Bartles with the NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award. NFIB’s Guardian of Small Business Award is the most prestigious honor that NFIB presents to legislators in recognition of their efforts to support small businesses.

“We are proud to recognize Rep. Bartles today as a top small business supporter and as a Guardian of Small Business,” said Natalie Robinson, NFIB Indiana State director. “Simply put, Rep. Bartels stands for less government which is exactly what small business owners need. Over the past couple of years, he has pushed through significant legislation to help reduce unnecessary regulations, provide for more transparency in the regulatory realm, improve government efficiencies, and provide more protections for Indiana citizens and businesses. We are thankful for Rep. Bartels’ hard work and are excited to work alongside him in the next session to continue cutting bureaucratic red tape.”

"I'm honored to receive the NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award," said Rep. Bartels. "The success of Hoosier small businesses is key to the growth of our local communities and state. Indiana's top-ranked business climate fueled by low taxes and less regulation is ideal for job creators who want to start or expand their operations, and I'll continue to support policies that brighten our economic future."