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Lorna Shively Joins Marshall County Economic Development


Marshall County Economic DevelopmentMarshall County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) is pleased to announce and welcome Lorna Shively as its new Economic Development Project Manager. Shively brings 13 years of experience working with local employers to the organization.

“Lorna will be instrumental in continuing our Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) efforts in Marshall County,” said Greg Hildebrand, President/CEO of MCEDC. “Her experience with our industrial partners will be an asset to this important part of our program.”

The BR&E program is an integral part of the mission of Marshall County Economic Development. By listening to the challenges that current industry may face in expanding and remaining in Marshall County, MCEDC can help inform elected officials, community leaders and other area industry. While attracting new industry to the area will remain a focus of MCEDC, helping existing industry to thrive in place contributes a larger share of the growth in this and most regions.

Shively previously worked for Employ Northern Indiana WorkOne as a Business Consultant. She is a Marshall County resident and active with several organizations, including Lifelong Learning Network and Marshall County 4-H Horse & Pony.

The MCEDC is the lead countywide economic development organization servicing Marshall County, the City of Plymouth, and the Towns of Argos, Bremen, Bourbon, Culver, and LaPaz. MCEDC’s mission is to expand and diversify the economy of the county and its communities by fostering investment in new and

existing businesses and creating entrepreneurial capacity.