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INOVA Federal Announces Chief Digital Officer


Claire Kellems has been promoted to Chief Digital Officer for INOVA Federal. Kellems’ tenure with INOVA spans over ten years and includes several promotions where she has most recently served as Vice President of Analytics, Process and Technology.

Kellems has been instrumental in implementing and maintaining INOVA’s process improvement, core applications, and business intelligence. She also oversees all aspects of technology at the credit union including infrastructure and cyber security.  Kellems has an integral role in all facets of INOVA’s project management, including major technological branch transformations to support the future of banking and organizational growth.

A 2002 graduate of Taylor University with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications with minors in Public Relations and Business Management, Kellems also possesses experience and knowledge in workforce development, accounting, and organizational leadership. In 2015, Kellems was the recipient of the Emerging Leadership Award from the Indiana Credit Union League.

Other noteworthy mentions include Kellems’ current service on the board of Tru Direction, Inc., a financial literacy non-profit, where she has held roles as President and Vice President; board and executive committee member of ChoiceLight, Inc., a dark fiber provider in the region; Captain of INOVA’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer team which has helped raise thousands of dollars for the American Cancer Society; President of the Walkerton Elementary PTA; Vice President of the Epsilon Chi chapter of Tri Kappa, a philanthropic service organization; and an active member of the John Glenn Theater Boosters.

Kellems has been married to her husband for twenty years and they have two sons, ages 16 and 11. Kellems enjoys bowling on a league with her husband, reading, playing the piano, spending time with friends, family game night, and cheering on her sons whether it be at a cross country meet or at the high school theatre production.