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Indiana Enters Regional Hydrogen Coalition


Several state governors from Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin signed an agreement to collaborate on developing a robust hydrogen market, supply chain, and workforce across the Midwest by signing the Midwest Hydrogen Coalition Memorandum of Understanding (M-H2 Coalition MOU).

“Strong partnerships and collaborations with our neighbors will foster a robust hydrogen ecosystem that will spur future growth in Indiana,” said Gov. Holcomb. “The Regional Hydrogen Coalition represents an opportunity for Hoosiers to benefit from this growing industry here in the Midwest.”

The M-H2 Coalition MOU will support advancing hydrogen production in the region, with little to no greenhouse gas emissions, while leveraging each participating states’ unique assets. Developing a strong Midwest hydrogen market ecosystem that reduces pollution, enhances energy security and improves public health outcomes will enable existing industries to remain globally competitive and encourage new industries to build and grow in the Midwest.

The coalition will conduct its work by employing a coordinated multi-state, multi-sector approach to developing a robust and sustainable economy across the Midwest, informed by industry, academic and community engagement. Indiana will utilize its advanced manufacturing, engineering and research and development expertise to help promote diverse production pathways throughout the Midwest region. These innovations and opportunities will be crucial to safeguard the region's manufacturing economy in the long term.