Hoosier manufacturing firms have been making some big technological advances lately, with some taking advantage of the additional funding options available through the Manufacturing Readiness Grant program to make their upgrades. The purpose of these grants is intended to keep our state competitive as a hub for advanced manufacturing. It’s been a little over two years since the program was launched, and new data has been published that provides insight into the impact that’s been happening throughout the industry.
One thing’s for sure – Hoosier manufacturers have been investing in some pretty cool things. It’s a whole new era of production, with the addition of things like robots, advanced sensors installed in all kinds of equipment, machine learning, interconnected devices, 3D printing, and a whole lot more. The manufacturing industry is experiencing a period of transformative change, and here in Indiana the new financial support from partnering organizations like Conexus Indiana, the IEDC, and the Next Level Manufacturing Institute have been equipping many firms with the funds needed to upgrade their operations.
How Much Has Been Awarded?
At the time of this writing, about $17.4 million in grant funding has been awarded since the program was launched in mid-2020. There were 212 companies that received grants, which amounts to about 2.3% of all Hoosier manufacturers. These firms were located all over the state in about 60 counties, with distinct clusters in areas like St. Joseph/Elkhart counties, Whitely/Allen, and surrounding Indianapolis. More than 400 firms submitted applications for their intended projects.
The $17.4 million in awarded grant funds will help support about $138.9 million in total proposed project investment.
The most recent disbursal occurred in summer of 2022, when 43 businesses received awards totaling $4 million. This round of funding was expected to support about $46.1 million in technology-based capital investment.
What Impact has this Created?
At roughly the two-year mark in the grant program’s history, Conexus partnered with the Dauch Center for the Management of Manufacturing Enterprises at Purdue University to measure the impact the funding has generated for Hoosier industries. Officials estimate a roughly 26% internal rate of return for the State of Indiana, given that many companies have been able to add jobs, increase wages, and also increase their revenues.
As for the capital investment this funding has supported, researchers estimate a seven-to-one leverage ratio. Or in other words, for every $1 of grant funding, $7 of industry investment is generated. There were several interesting trends throughout all of this investment, for example:
Examples of Investments
There’s been a lot of variety to the projects that Hoosier firms have launched with their Manufacturing Readiness Grant funds and private investments. Some examples include:
Not Stopping Yet
Given the success of the Manufacturing Readiness Grants, officials have been working to help award another $20 million through fiscal 2023. That’s more than double the amount awarded up to this point, so exciting times are likely ahead. It’s a safe bet that we’re going to be seeing a lot of varied manufacturing growth in the coming year as more firms upgrade their capabilities, add workers, and branch out into new markets.